THE Youth of the Southern Downs will be treated to a whole heap of interesting and varied events as part of National Youth Week from 4-13 April.
Southern Downs Regional Council, SDIEA (Southern Downs Industry Education Association), and headspace Warwick have once again partnered to present a strong youth week program.
Southern Downs Regional Council Youth Development Officer Hailey Cosh said there would be youth concerts in the region on Saturday 5 April in Stanthorpe and Saturday 12 April in Warwick.
The events will feature young local artists from the Southern Downs EDGE (Encouragement, Development, Growth Experience), Southern Downs Program run by Soular Music Services, Gold Drum Recordings and Events and Southern Downs Regional Council.
“On Sunday, 6 April the Warwick Twin Cinema will have $5 discounted movie tickets for young people aged 15-25 years,” she said.
“The movie showing on that Sunday will be ’Captain America’.
“The headline event for the week will be the Southern Downs ’Our Voice Our Impact’ Digital Movie and Photo Workshops which will take place in Warwick on Monday, 7 April and in Stanthorpe on Tuesday 8 April.
“We are very pleased to announce that ABC Open will run the digital workshops,” Ms MCosh aid.
“Young people aged 12-25, will have the opportunity to use their own digital media devices or loaned devices by partners Southern Downs Regional Libraries to take photos and make a short movie around the youth week theme.
“On Sunday 13 April a showing of the movies will be held at the Warwick Town Hall – we will open this event to all in the community as a celebration of the talent and skills of the young people in our region.
“On Tuesday, 8 April Voyage Fitness will offer discounted gym entry for young people aged 12-25 years for the whole day. For just $5 young people will gain access to the gym and any classes run on that day.
“The fitness component continues on Wednesday 9 April with YOGA/Pilates at 9.15am in Leslie Park and this will be free to young people aged 12-25 years.
“A very popular activity for young people is laser skirmish and a skirmish session will be on at Thursday, 10 April at Warwick State High School, from 6.30pm-9.30pm. We need young people to please register their interest with headspace Warwick (07)4661 1999.
“The fun keeps going on Friday 11 April with the SDIEA Youth Connections Team taking a group of young people to Goondiwindi for a Skate Workshop/ and South West Championship run by PCYC Goondiwindi featuring Skate Boarding Company Drawing Boards,” she said.
Ms Cosh said there will be more great events planned and she urged everyone to watch out for posters and stories in local media. “A huge thank you to our partners and supporters, EDGE Southern Downs, Soular Music Services, Voyage Fitness, Warwick Twin Cinema, Gold Drum Recordings and Events for making all of these events possible and for encouraging young people to have a voice,” she said.
For more information, contact SDRC Youth Development Officer Hailey Cosh on 0428 730 688, SDIEA 4666 9218, or Headspace Warwick 4661 1999 for more information.
Sourced from: https://freetimes.com.au/stori...
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